About Me

HouseDr is a family owned & operated small business fully Liability Insured. With backgrounds in plumbing and real estate and over 25+ years experience in renovations and rehabs, we offer our clients reasonable rates on general home repairs, maintenance and renovation projects. Work done with integrity toward offering an honest days work for an honest days pay.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's taking so long?

I'm going to post my Pet Peeve, and then you can comment and post your Pet Peeve, okay?  Ok! 

Over the years of doing maintenance and repair work for folks, I have found this over and over again.  I switched from an hourly charge to Project Bids for just this reason, and yet, I find this still holds true! 

People show me their repair need, and after asking price they inevitably ask "how long will this take?"   There are so many variables that come into play!  Take as a for instance putting in a new countertop.  Sounds straight forward, right?  Yet, there are several things that may change as I begin the project!  Sizing and shape and accommodating other factors may change as I go!

So my original estimate of one day or two days, may overflow into a third morning.  I don't work slowly, so much as I try to work CAREFULLY.  So that the final project is more than just "satisfactory", but instead is pleasing to the client.

When I worked by the hour, if I stopped for a bathroom break, it seemed like people felt like I was cheating them.  "Are you done yet?" I would constantly hear.  What a TOUGH question!  I felt like I had to rush, but rushing causes mistakes so that wasn't the way I wanted to go!   I switched to charging by the Project, thinking this would eleviate this little PET PEEVE of mine.  Then when I take a lunch break, hey, no sweat, your not paying for it!  If I run into a difficulty and take longer to finish in order that the project is done correctly, there shouldn't be an issue, right?

NOT SO!  Even when I say 4-5 days to complete something, on day 2 I inevitably hear that tough question "are you done yet?"  This is the grown up version of "are we there yet?"  I understand, truly, I do, but this is still a tough question!

I have 2 rules in my business. 

Rule One:  DON'T RUSH!  Do the job right, whatever amount of time it takes. 
Rule Two:  Always go the "extra mile".  Do a little something more than expected.

Clients don't always notice right away, but that's alright.  Eventually they will.  Then when I ask for references or referrals, I'm more likely to get them.  I don't get everything done perfectly - perfect just doesn't exist this side of Heaven.  But I do my very best to get everything done RIGHT!
 It just might take longer than a minute, that's all.....

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