If you really love what you do, can it still be called work?
"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life"
Know who said that? Confucious. Strange name, great ideas.
I used to have a J - O - B and I was not a happy person. I was a trapped person. I was a grumpy person, but I was not truly satisfied with my life. NOT ANYMORE! I made the decision to stop having a J - O - B and yes, it was and still is slightly less stable in terms of weekly paychecks. The payoff though, is that LOVING WHAT I DO means I am satisfied and happy. Being satisfied and happy with how I earn my living has led to many other very wonderful changes. Like not being grumpy, or at least not AS grumpy in other areas of my life as well. Things just don't seem to "get on my nerves" like they used to.
Another wonderful side effect has been how it affects the rest of my family. When I am calmer, my whole family is calmer. Since giving up the J - O - B there is a new peace and tranquility in my home life. And I like it! I sleep better at night. I'm eating healthier - could that be because food was a "comfort" when I was upset and tense and I no longer am tense, so I don't eat as much bad for my health "comfort" food? Probably. All I know is, I'm eating healthier and without dieting or trying, I've lost weight as well!
I'm not saying everyone should become a handyman. And I'm not even saying everyone should be an entrepreneur and start their own business. What I am saying is that everyone should make a little effort to find WHATEVER type or kind of work makes them feel good about what they are doing and do everything you possibly can to put yourself in the position necessary to make that type or kind of work HOW you make your living. So even if you are going to an office, factory or shop everyday of your work week, you aren't going to a J - O - B that makes you miserable, but you are going to spend your day doing what you love to do to make a living and then going home to peace, happiness and tranquil family relations.
As a "Handyman" I claim no privilege or grand insight into human nature. I'm just sharing with you what has worked for me. I hope you find it will work for you, too. Oh, and if you need repairs, updates, remodeling or maintenance, I hope you'll let ME work for you, too.